Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Loving the Process

Loving the process (if you can wrap your mind around it) is the most critical key to success.

You may think that you want to quickly get to the part of being skinny and have all of your annoying food sensitivity vanish!

It’s tempting to think, “Where is the magic wand that I can wave and delete this problem I have”?

When you do this, you miss the best part!

You miss learning the skill of becoming someone who can do hard things!

You miss the part where you heal your relationship with yourself!

You don't want to skip over gaining the skill of being able to do hard things, while at the same time honoring yourself by having your own back, no matter what!

This is the nugget of gold you get on your way to mastering food freedom.

There is no price you can put on gaining the ability to change the way you think and showing yourself you can handle any emotion!

These skills are the key ingredients to permanent change.

You must evolve, learn, and grow to move through and past all your mental blocks and emotional barriers!

You've most likely already have done the "I'm going to white-knuckle and willpower my way through to be skinny and healthy fast"!

I bet you have found though, that it never lasts long term!

I want you, more than anything, to truly grasp and understand that along the way to your food freedom goal you will gain so many benefits.

Learning to love the process is what compounds and perpetuates continual success.

Here comes the how questions...

How do I love the process of misery?

Why can't I just skip that part and get to the land of thin, rich, and happy floating rainbows?

I want you to think of some rich movie star or desperate housewife type of person.

These type of people have everything, yet they are still miserable.

Or think of the person who wins the lottery but then ends up worse off after he or she collects the money!

If I waved the wand of food freedom today, your mental and emotional patterns wouldn't change, they would only change flavors.

This is the very reason why so many bariatric patients after surgery become compulsive shoppers or drinkers.

They didn't do the HARD work of changing their internal drama.

This is the reason why you want to bring up and understand all of the parts that are blocking you from your food freedom.

Loving the process starts with the courage and vulnerability to step into your emotional world.

You begin by telling the truth to yourself about what you really think and how you actually feel.

Working through your true thoughts and feelings are the work you must start doing.

When you can do this, you will develop the emotional resilience to move mountains.

I think you can truly grasp loving the process when you understand there is no place that is better than here.

You will learn to move through the negative emotions and feel the awesome triumphs when you reach your milestones!

But, this is a continual process of your being willing to learn and grow continually.

Lastly, fiercely believe in your end goal, no matter what your brain offers.

Let it chatter about how you won’t be able to do it but keep going forward anyway!

The easiest way I can describe loving the process is to think about planning a vacation.

You have decided that you will be taking your entire family on a camping trip.

You start planning your vacation with a firm belief that the end goal will for sure happen.

You will go camping on July 5, 2019.

You don't doubt that you are going on vacation or your ability to plan and pack for the trip.

Your brain instantly isn’t thinking, “This is to much work, I don’t know if I can get there”. Other thoughts you probably aren’t have are, “I'm not sure if I can be someone who is a person that camps”, and “All I want is to get to the point of sitting in my camp chair”.

You know there will be the work of loading up your vehicle or camper with the entire contents of your house (which we all know is miserable!), but you don't stop and say, “We are not going camping”!

Or think, “I can't do it” and “It’s just too hard”!

Tell me how you would think about camping, and all the work involved that would make the process fun, doable, and supportive to you?

I know you have the answers! Apply those answers to your food freedom goal.

Changing a camping trip from complete misery to organized, planned, and broken down into workable chunks is your how!

Now, the last part of loving the process is finding compassion for yourself when you find you are completely overwhelmed because you procrastinated to the last minute to do most of the work!

You are at the point where the kids are having a meltdown, your husband is mad, and you are pulling out your hair trying to get the last details together!

Do you cancel the entire trip when you get to this point? 

Of course not!

You work through the discomfort of it all, knowing that the camping trip will be fantastic!