Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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No One Is Broken

A common theme I see in myself, and most of my clients is that they all have some version of “I'm broken”, or “There is something wrong with me”.

This is such a lie and there is no upside to thinking this.

There are no broken people!

No one is bad!

Your brain is just programmed with outdated software that thinks it is keeping you safe by judging yourself or others as flawed.

If this is indeed true and people are broken then my question is, where are all the normal people who don’t struggle with negativity?

Is there a city with normal people that I've never heard of?

I have yet to meet someone who is normal!

I think when we drop into a place of compassion and realize we are all humans with different human experiences, we can cut the story of brokenness.

I have distilled the broken flavors down to two prevalent themes with a different sprinkle of "no you don't understand” and “I have a medical diagnosis".

You may not fit into one these two, but everyone has some flavor of "I'm broken".

I think this is normal because even the most "normal” clients I work with have this story. They each have some story of why they are different, weird, an outcast or some other load of BS. Which now, I have decided is normal!

It is normal to think that something is wrong or broken!

It is abnormal to think you are a human being who is having an experience and nothing is going wrong.

I think that if you look long and hard enough you can find a disease, syndrome, or illness that you fit the mold of.

When you are constantly looking for evidence of diseases, syndromes, or illnesses, you perpetuate the belief that something indeed has gone wrong.

They come out with a new diagnosis weekly!

I wish I were joking but ask any medical doctor, it's true!

There are two different types of people in this world.

The two categories are powerful thinkers and avoiders.

The avoiders think garbage all day long and numb themselves with food, alcohol, electronics, or work. This works and is very effective!

The powerful thinkers think garbage and feel awful! Numbing doesn't work! They try to numb themselves, but it doesn't cover up the pain they feel. These are the folks, who like me eventually find themselves seeking type of mental health support.

This is not good or bad!

If you need medical psychiatric care, please get it!

I have found though, the part of you that feels broken and are trying to medicate or numb away, is actually your greatest gift.

I want you to really consider this thought.

My entire life I did not like myself because of my sensitivity.

My sensitivity to what I think, my sensitivity to other people, my sensitivity to food, and my sensitivity to my environment.

My sensitivity was the very thing that I believed was broken about me, and now is what I consider my greatest asset.

What I realized is my sensitivity is what makes me such a great coach and gives me the ability to facilitate healing for other people.

The fact that I’m sensitive gives me the gift to make people feel at ease.

I have the gift to see things and feel things that other people can’t see or feel, but this is the very reason I do what I do!

I want you to think about someone who has Down syndrome.

Is he or she broken? Is there something wrong with him or her?

I think you would agree that these type of people are a fantastic gift to the world!

So why are you spending so much of your precious mental energy thinking about what is wrong and broken instead of going out and sharing your creative gifts with the world?

Thank God you are not like other people.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have anything creative or different! Everything would be boring!

Stop trying to cram yourself into a box of what you think everyone else thinks you should be.

There is absolutely no such thing as everyone and everybody.

This is the lie we tell ourselves so that we can keep hiding and not use our most significant gifts and assets...

It's a big excuse!

You are hiding and using the excuse of “I’m broken”. This excuse causes you to not take action, and hide in the cave to avoid feeling fear.

The problem with not feeling fear and expressing your gifts is that you then feel low-grade misery and depression.

The only solution for low-grade misery is soothing yourself with food or your choice of distraction.

Avoiding and distraction spin you out and get you nowhere!

You can feel the real pain! I promise!

With the real pain is the authentic joy!

As your capacity to feel fear and other negative emotions increases, your ability to feel joy and other positive emotions also will increase.

Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well. The more you block pain, the more you block joy.

Be courageous and share the real you with the world. I promise you that it is worth it!

PS. When you do this you will effortlessly have food freedom too!