Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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You like everyone else, are very conditioned to judge and beat yourself up. It seems useful, but it stalls your progress, disconnects you from yourself, and creates an excuse from doing the hard work.

If you find that you are stalled and are feeling super negative, notice if you are judging.

It is likely that you are judging yourself or others very harshly when you find yourself spinning out in food or distraction.

Judgments can be very sneaky because it feels so socially acceptable to be judgmental of yourself and others.

It feels useful to judge because it feels like you are working towards a solution for a problem.

It never works long term!

I want to show you that even when you judge others for being judgmental, you are still judging!

It feels emotionally terrible, but it feels more natural to spin in judgment than to take action moving towards your goals.

It's very socially acceptable to indulge in cake and point your finger as you judge.

You get to hide behind food and finger pointing rather than telling your truth!

It feels safer to judge rather than face your fears of what is going on inside emotionally and sorting that out!

Once you stop judging yourself, now you have to get to work...

Food freedom comes when you decide to take back responsibility for your current health and weight!

But if you go to the land of judging all the factors, people, and circumstances that are making it hard for you to reach your goal, now you can spin in blame and judgment instead of taking action and moving forward!

This is why it’s so seductive to spin in judgment because then you don’t have to do anything.

If you decide to be an emotional adult and knock the judging off, you’ll need to have the courage to feel your truth.

I want you to be willing, to tell the truth, even if it is painful because this is the path to reconnect with yourself.

The main thing most of us want it acceptance! We want others to accept and love us with acceptance and love for yourself!

When you are in judgment, this creates the exact opposite.

When you stop judging and reconnect with yourself, you now can work towards what and who you want to be.

Most mix this up!

They judge themselves and others, thinking that will force the much-needed change.

It never ever works.

Especially not long term!

The other sticky place is when you decide to stop judging yourself, you may begin to concern yourself with other people judgments!

I want you to question this. 

You may think that the other person is judging you but how do you really know?

You have no idea unless you ask and/or they specifically tell you in exact words what they think of you.

If this doesn’t occur you are making crap up in your head.

But let’s pretend that they are judging…

So what, who cares!

What you so desperately need is your own approval and compassion.

When you are willing to have your own back and stop judging yourself so harshly, you will make room for other people’s faults too.

Loving instead of judging is the best gift you can give yourself! (The other party will appreciate it too!)

To stop the cycle of judgement you need to be honest with yourself and tell the truth.

When you aren't telling yourself the truth and pretending to be someone perfect you are lying!

Yes I just called you a liar!

Now, if you are brave enough to stop the judging and tell yourself your truth, what is true for you?

My guess is that you are struggling and doing the best that you can.

Some days your best is pretty awful and guess what?

Welcome to being a human!

The truth is, all of us feel a little lost, a little bit of a mess and wondering where the adults are?

But, you know what?

You are doing amazing!

You are doing fantastic if you are at least trying, failing, and sometimes doing awesome!

All it takes to become successful is to do it right some of the time!

That's it!

You only have to do it right sometimes!

The rest of the time you must be compassionate and loving when you are failing miserably.

That is the key to success.

What most of you are doing is trying to do it correctly all of the time and then judging yourself harshly for being a human being!

Stop the madness!!!!

STOP shoulding all over yourself!

If you are willing, to tell the truth, and reconnect with who you are now, you get to do the work of feeling your raw emotions.

Most likely you are wanting to go back to the comfort of spinning in judgment and blame!

It is so seductive to stay there rather than to move into and through your own negative emotions.

You are normal, and there is no one who doesn't struggle with this.

Where you are is perfect, and nothing has gone wrong.

Your journey is exactly the way it's supposed to be.

Now what?

Are you ready to move out of judgment and into self-compassion?

You will gain so much momentum when you are willing to love yourself through the messiness, along with the trial and error of humanity.

Remember, growth and success are always fueled with compassion, love, gratitude, and a desire to give something beyond yourself.

Stagnation and suffering are caused by spinning in judgment which stops your progress and forward movement!