Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Making Commitments

One of the most important things to do when we approach any goal is to first make a commitment. 


We decide to commit to not eat sugar anymore. We decide to stick to a diet. We decide to stop eating this or that food. 


How have those commitments gone?


I am going to challenge you to stop making commitments you can't keep!


Seriously! Stop it!


If you cannot commit to never eating sugar again, maybe you can commit to eating six cookies instead of eight.


I'm not kidding!


The relationship you have with yourself continues to deteriorate as you keep setting unrealistic goals and then of course, utterly failing.


This proves to yourself that you can't stick to anything! You say to yourself that your are less of a person, you are unworthy, etc.


When you get to this point, it's not even about the weight or food.


It's about the fact that you feel so awful about yourself! The weight and health issues are just a symptom of your misery.

These are the steps to move towards permanent weight loss:

Step 1:

Create a list of things that you commit to and follow through every day!

1. I brush my teeth every night.

2. I put on my glasses every day.

3. I go to work.

4. I put my kids on the bus.

5.  I take a shower.

6. I check my email.

7. I drink my coffee.

Step 2: 

Now go back through this list and stop telling yourself you cannot stick to anything.

You just gave yourself proof that you do indeed follow through on certain things every day.

You have now proven that you do not have a problem with commitments.

You have this whole list of things that you commit to doing every day! 


Step 3:

Create one thing you will commit to doing moving forward.

Make it something that you will do no matter what, for the rest of your life.

Do not make a commitment that sets you up for a chance of failing at this point in your life.

Only do one thing a week!

You need to start small so you can continue to mend the part of yourself that thinks you always fail. (You have failed because the commitment was unrealistic.)


Step 4:

Notice how easy it is when it's small, doable, and realistic!

Now rinse and repeat!

Do this over and over again until you reach your goal weight!

It is this easy!

The challenge is that you will not get overnight results. You will want to speed it up and keep setting more significant goals.

Remember, if you want to achieve permanent change, then keep repeating this process.

The small changes are the ones that will make the significant permanent changes!