Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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The question's we don't ask

Have you ever looked at someone and wondered how they do it?

Have you wondered what it would be like to be a certain way that looks so effortless?

I remember looking at women who I "thought" didn't struggle with weight, and were effortless thin and emotionally cool as cucumbers.

I even have marveled at men who don't overthink things like some of us women folk do.

How is it that there are all of these people living their dreams, doing what they want to be doing, and I, at one point, could hardly get through my day?

The question I like to ask and study is, what does it take to have those traits?

Is it possible to acquire the gift of not being anxious, negative, or a worrier?

Can you overcome being someone who has chronic anxiety and chronic eating-in-the-kitchen-corner syndrome?

The answer is YES!

Isn't that the most exciting and empowering news???

So let's get down to the business of how you can better your life!

I know, some of you are thinking, "But I can do this work on my own! I can apply the information I already have read!"

The truth is, it is possible! But very, very difficult to do on your own.

It's hard to manage your brain while also changing it.


Because when we live in our bodies and think our thoughts, we believe the lies our thinker thinks!

It's nail-biting, finger gnawing, hair twirling hard to put some space in between our thoughts and who we really are!

But with a third party who is neutral and a thought ninja, you get this gap and change lighting quick!

The truth is we are all full of crap, and that's what I tell you when I coach you!

I'll tell you the truth!

Sometimes the truth hurts, and it's supposed to! That is where the cusp of change begins.

The truth will set you free, and it will also set free your anxious self, and your overweight self.

And wah-lah!

Who you really are that beautiful human emerges... and YOU get to decide what to do with your one amazing life!