Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Success, External Vs. Internal

People always want an external, visible tangible result. Thin, wealthy, happy, to name a few.

I get it; most of my life I've wanted an external result too.

What I didn't get for years and years was that the external, tangible result wasn't what I wanted; it was actually the emotion I thought I would feel that I was after.

We don't want the result; we want the feeling it gives us when we get the result.

Great news, folks.

You can have that feeling now!

I'm done with the falsehoods of advertisements. I don't care what one you pick; they are all lies.

Happiness, fulfillment, and contentment are an inside job.


External changes without internal shifts are what breeds the diet mentality. It's what creates the most dissatisfaction.

If you achieve a goal without changing the way you think, your brain goes to work sabotaging you, so you go back to the same level of misery.

Or you'll achieve the goal and find yet another problem to fix about yourself. (This is different from continual growth and evolving that is a positive part of all humans.)

This is the ultimate failure. It is attaining what you've always wanted and still being unhappy. What a disappointment!

There's a better, faster, more permanent way to living your best life.

Changing your internal thoughts so that you feel better forever is the best way, my friends.

Becoming someone who bounces back from setbacks and sadness super fast is the way to be!

Let's learn to feel all the emotions you want to feel NOW, instead of waiting until you're thin, rich, and married to the man of your dreams.

This is no joke, and it's not fluff. It's the secret to success.

Be someone who is focused on the internal thoughts and emotions and watch the external stuff appear!

Don't be someone who is still chasing the perfect diet or strategy of success; it will never work or last if you don't do the internal work.

You have the power to shift from the inside out.