Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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The most powerful tool you always have available to you is your ability to believe in something.

If you can genuinely believe in a goal, it is as good as done.

Here is an example:

If you get pregnant, you most likely believe that you will have a baby. The baby being born is the end goal, and you have the utmost confidence that it will happen. You may have doubts and fears about many things that go along with pregnancy, but always with the belief that no matter what a baby being born is a guarantee.

Now, think about this in terms of permanent food freedom.

You will for sure become someone who is healthy, thin and doesn't care about food!

It is good as done!

I want you to explore both goals.

What are your crappy thoughts that come up, regarding both coaching with me and attaining food freedom, and the possibility that if you became pregnant, you would have a baby?

Have you ever considered that you really have no right to believe you will have a baby if you're pregnant?

Do you know how many ways you could sabotage the birth of a child? Have you considered that you could get hit by a bus, or that you could abort the child (I can hardly even type this it)? You could die tomorrow!

You could genuinely come up with tons of reasons why you could not reach your goal of having a baby?

When your brain goes to "Achieving food freedom will never work or ever happen for me!", I want you to go back to believing hard that it will happen!

You are allowed to believe in anything you want!

No one but you gets to decide.

Think of all the thoughts you don't question that are creating so much suffering in your life that you should give up!

There are so many things that you believe in, and I want to show you that the belief is more powerful than anything else.

For example, let's talk about the placebo effect. The belief in the pill may be doing more for you than the actual medicines you take. We have no scientific proof that the belief isn't doing more.

If you are as nerdy as I am, go and read the trials and studies on what interest you. 

They are fascinating! They always have a significant section on the placebo effect, and it is a profound part of any study.

You should also consider where the studies are taking place, and who is funding them. Another question to ask when looking through the studies is how do you know the controls are not manipulated and are they even measuring the correct variable?

The answer always lies in your belief of whether the facility performing the study is trustworthy.


Do know how many studies I have done with controls and proven that my philosophies are backed by science?

Uh, like all of them!

I'll trust studies done by Elizabeth Wheelis LLC any day of the week and so should you!

I have tried many, many ways of eating and I have scientifically found and proven a way that ensures people to be thin effortlessly.

Now, is this science? Or is this a belief?

You get to decide!