Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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The best gift you can give yourself is automation.

Right now, you may have so many automatic habits in your life that do not create the result you want!

When you can create small changes in your life and then automate them, they become routines.

The habits and routines you want are your best friends.

When you can automate a routine and stop thinking about it consciously, you open up mental space to use your attention and energy for what you want and love.

Most of my clients do not want to be thinking about food and weight.

The solution to this is to automate your food, exercise, and daily routines, so you don't have to think about them.

Planning your meals ahead of time is automating.

This makes it easier to stick to a routine!

The process of small changes is the foundation of food freedom.

When you build the small wins into your life and make them a habit, they then become routine!!

You have habits and routines right now. Most of them are just ones you don't want!

What routines do you have right now?

  • Eating fast food every day

  • Soothing yourself with food

  • Brushing your teeth

  • Making your bed

  • Going to work Monday through Friday

  • Late night snacking instead of going to bed

  • Putting your glasses on in the morning

You have a broad mixture of routines you do every day.

Some are helpful and some are not!

Imagine what a healthy person's routines are?

What routines do you want in your life?

What are the baby steps you can take and make automatic?

What small changes can you make to move the needle towards your ideal routine?

When you make changes in your routines from a place of love and self-care, they last for a lifetime.

However, if they are from a place of self-loathing, they may last only a day or two at best.

Remember to keep in mind the energy behind your routines.

What you think and feel is everything!

Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are dictating and running the show in our lives.

If you never get in touch with yourself in these areas, you won't be successful long term and it will be a constant food struggle.

Food freedom is what you want.

Not a diet that you have to stick to and wrestle with for the rest of your life!