Nurture yourself to skinny and stay there!
I worked with a client yesterday who was in the spin of food hell.
"I'm eating and I don't know why! I can't get myself to stop! Why do I do this?"
My response to her were the following questions:
What are you avoiding?
Is there something more significant in your life that you don't want to feel or maybe you don't know how to feel?
She didn't know.
None of us understand why we do what we do, and this is the problem!
We jumped on the phone, and within 10 minutes I found out that the rug had been ripped out from underneath her a few weeks ago and she was devastated.
She was still unable to feel, process and move through this emotional event.
She had utterly separated from herself from her pain by creating drama about food.
It is never about food my friends.
This is what I told her:
I want you to think of yourself as you would think of a baby.
I want you to nurture yourself like you would a baby.
If the baby was screaming and crying would you feed the baby garbage food in excess?
Would you nurture the baby by feeding him or her healthy food on a schedule and figure out what the heck is causing him or her to be so upset?
When you figured out what is wrong, wouldn’t you try to remedy the problem instead of feeding him or her excessive amounts of food?
Please for the love of all that is holy, start nurturing your body and stop abusing it!
Stop using food to solve what is actually wrong!
Eat what serves your body and address the real problem!
If you don't know why you are eating out of control, get on a free call with me!
Coaching is for emotional healing and re-wiring of your brain so that you are done with food problems once and for all!
Nurturing yourself, instead of hating yourself, is your key to permanent food freedom!