Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Fitting In

A considerable problem my clients have, and which I have struggled with as well, is the big "fitting in” factor.

You want to have a higher level of emotional health, eat healthy and stay away from the food that is inflaming your body, but "everybody" else seems to be able to eat pizza and cake every weekend and have fantastic health.

You think.

We are biologically programmed to be herd and pack animals.

Being an outcast is equal to death.

We all want to be loved and accepted in our circle of friends and communities.

There is nothing wrong with this unless fitting in means wrecking your health.

Now we have a problem!

The problem is not that everyone else should change, because most likely this is just your thought about your community and not actually reality.

But, if it is true and you are surrounded by people who eat unhealthily and think negatively, then you might need to be the person who leads the revolution.

Take a look around at all of the “normal” people who eat normally and are unaware of their emotions, but are all overweight and emotionally unhealthy!

Are you sure you want to be normal?

Making a change in the way you eat and think will bring up a lot of drama about how you are being different and are one of those health nuts!

You can tell yourself how everyone else can do unhealthy things and not suffer the consequences but in reality you have no idea.

How do you really know that other people can think toxic thoughts, eat crap and not feel the side effects?

You do not know this unless you ask them.

Most people will never know their thoughts and emotional world are the most important aspects of well-being and will they will eat crap and suffer the ill effects, such as heartburn, gut issues, anxiety, depression, low energy, etc.

They just don't announce it to the world.

So, when your brain offers that it isn't fair, be sure to tell yourself that thought is a lie.

We all want to fit in and do what everyone else is doing, so my suggestion is for YOU to change the status quo.

You won't change the status quo by telling everyone else what they should do because you know best, but by doing what is best for you with confidence and no apology.

Show all the people in your life what it's like to be an example of health.

Be an example of health in all areas of your life: mentally, physically, and emotionally.

When you eat only what serves you and you clean up your brain, other people will notice.

That is all you need to do.

No words need to be spoken.

The revolution of taking care of yourself with confidence is the change in society we all so desperately need.

Stop talking and start doing!

When you take care of yourself with fierce love and confidence, it propels everyone around you to do the same!