The Power of Journaling
The primary tool I use and highly recommend to achieve any dream, a future self, more fulfillment, or to feel better, is journal.
When you get the thoughts out of your head onto paper, it gives you a third perspective of yourself.
You are not your thoughts, and the way to stop believing them is to give yourself some space to see them on paper.
If you want to feel better, lose weight, and stop feeling out of control, you need to know that your thoughts and emotions are creating this behavior.
Write down all of the thoughts that are firing in your brain.
Most of these thoughts are not going to be in your awareness and it takes bravery and practice to peek into the subconscious mind.
Daily journaling, awareness (when you are cruising through your day) and feeling all of your emotions is the HOW to your future self!
For one week, I recommend you do the following steps:
1. Stop doing all the things you usually do to soothe yourself.
For example, eat only foods that are supportive and let everything else be the problem.
2. Feel your emotions and notice where they are at in your body.
3. Identify what thoughts are contributing to an emotion and journal them.
4. Notice how you behave when you think specific thoughts and are feeling certain emotions.
After a week, you will have a journal full of information about yourself!
Love yourself as you go through the process of feeling all the emotions you have been avoiding.
The next powerful step is to ask yourself how you WANT to think and feel.
After you decide what thoughts and feelings feel good, practice those thoughts and emotions!
Gently shift your thoughts to ones that support you and allow yourself to experience and move through the range of emotions that your body wants you to pay attention to.
I want you to get good at feeling any emotion and notice how it feels in your body.
I want you to get comfortable feeling your emotions and not avoid them!
You have the power to redirect your brain and decide if you want to change your thoughts, which will change the way you feel.
The process of awareness, having compassion for what you find, and practicing new thoughts is the key to feeling better!
As you go through the process this week, I want you to remember some key points!
-Your thoughts and emotions are the driving factors behind your choices.
-You can feel any emotion! Stop avoiding them!
-The way to move beyond your emotions is through them!
-Emotions are just different vibrations in your body.
-Emotions are not good or bad.
-Judging emotions as good or bad increases their intensity.
-Many thoughts are very subtle and feel like cravings or urges, but remember, cravings and urges are emotions.
Imagine a world where emotions are just different sensations. They aren't good or bad!
This process will allow you to reach any goal and change your internal wiring, so let's get to work finding you better thoughts!