Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Thought work

Thought work and managing your brain never ends.

You are not your thoughts, which are created by your brain. You are so much more than what goes on in the organ that lives in your head.

But, if you don't do the work of managing it, you won't know this.

You will think you are your thoughts and it will make your life miserable.

Thought work is continuously choosing to be in a better state than what your primal brain offers.

You get to choose what you want to believe.

Moment to moment and day to day.

The fear and freak-outs will continue as long as you grow, which by the way is a normal thing to do if you're a human.

Choose to grow on purpose and embrace your fear!

Not believing it and buying into it, but with the knowledge that your brain is offering scary stories to keep you safe!

If you decide not to grow that's OK, but then you will feel dead and bored.

No judgment here, but in all honesty, not moving forward and growing will feel this way eventually.

At first, it feels like a relief, but after a few days or weeks, it will turn into a feeling of blah. BTW, this is when you usually decide to set a new goal or go back to the goal you gave up to feel relief.

The reason why you need to do thought work continually is that we are designed to grow.

Your desire to set goals and achieve them is part of the the human experience!

With growth comes scary stories from your primal brain to make you stop because anything new is dangerous. However, when you view the scary stories as a silly message and not the truth, it will stop having so much power over you.

Your brain is designed to keep you safe. That is it!

This means you will feel:

  • Scared.

  • Anxious.

  • Afraid to be yourself.

  • Afraid to speak your truth.

  • Wanting to fit in at all costs, even if it is killing you!

It will also make you want to:

  • Staying in a bad relationship or avoid trying to make them better because you're terrified of conflict and rejection.

  • Worrying about things you have no control over and that are actually none of your business.

  • Creating worse case scenarios in your head even though NONE of them ever come true.

This is how your brain works, my friends.

It is normal, natural, and exactly how everyone's brain works.

You don't get to escape this and thought work never ends.

What you can do is put some space in between you and your mind.

Realize your thoughts are not true; you get to decide what is true.

When you decide what is true for you and it feels good, practice this day after day, moment to moment.

Your old fears will eventually become unbelievable, and you will be stronger.

Repeating this process is mastery!