Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Embracing All Of You

A great way to get serious momentum when working on a problem you are struggling with is to accept all sides of you radically. 

Owning all of your hideous ticks and accepting the parts that you judge or feel shame about yourself.

Let it all of you be and love yourself in your entirety because the good parts are also bad. And you don’t want to lose that.

What are the hideous ticks that you can’t change? Want to know mine?

After 6-7 years on my journey, I realized that I am empathetic no matter what.


I dread pain, physically and emotionally, even though I know that pain is inevitable.


I have found we can't change parts of ourselves. But why would we want to when our worst part is also our best part?


So what can we do? We can find balance and health in our entirety. At any point in life, we are either in balance or out of balance.


This will look different for every person.


The magic begins when you stop wanting to be different. Then you find the power to move into health.


Only with acceptance do you have the ability to make this shift.


Acceptance never sounds good because everyone is insistent that if they could change, they would be happy, free, fulfilled, content, confident, etc.


But how to achieve health, balance, and peace is the opposite way most of us have been taught how.


We have been programmed to look outside of ourselves, and this will only work short term.


To find long-term balance, takes inner work, and Inner work never ends. 


You always have to do your inner work to feel grounded, healthy, and be in balance.


Even if you reach all of your goals, you will still work on finding emotional balance. 


But if you find emotional balance first, which is what I talked about above, your goals will be achieved much faster and without will-power and stress.


If you are interested in learning more about finding emotional balance, click below to learn about the new class I am teaching on Emotional Fitness.