Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Importance of Scheduling

If you are someone who lives in your head and is ungrounded I have a quick tip for you.

This has helped me immensely lately with all the fight or flight going on in the world. There is so much we can’t control and it’s easy to spin out.

I spend a lot of time grounding myself because I have no other choice or I feel like a wreck. 

So here it is, SCHEDULING. 

Yes, following a schedule. And in that schedule do grounding activities.

Our brains feel safe when we follow a predictable routine and they feel safe when we are grounded.

We all have ways to feel safe and to ground ourselves but when it comes time to do them our brains will always convince us that there is something else that needs to be done.

So following a routine and a schedule will help with all of this. 

I have found most people balk at the thought of a schedule and I do too. 

I don’t know why it feels so terrible to our brains because when I follow a schedule I am the happiest and the most content. 

It's almost like our brains are committed to us being perpetually unhappy and scared.

Everything we know we need to do doesn't get done because we don't feel like it. 

What I know for sure is that changing your habits in a tiny, baby-stepping way is how you get around this.

So here is how I suggest you start.

Begin by setting up a schedule that is daily or blocking out a time chunk.

What I mean by this is, start with doing Yoga on Mondays and commit to only doing that, to begin with. 

Put it on the calendar and do it. Honor it just like you would with a dentist appointment.

Or block out a time every day that is your exercise/grounding time. Then honor that time every day.

When you begin to do this consistently and you will find yourself feeling grounded and in control.

This is a golden secret of successful people because you are moving through your day from the schedule and not what your brain tells you to do. 

That is how you get the good stuff done because at the moment the good stuff always is a bad idea.

And the bad stuff always sounds like a good idea.

Let me know if you have some success with this.