Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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How to Set Boundaries For Yourself

Setting boundaries is a great tool!

But I don’t think people really understand boundaries and rarely do I see them being used in the way they are meant to or in helpful ways.

The reason why is that boundaries are for you. 

Not other people.

If someone is crossing my boundaries it is my job to look inward. Am I communicating this effectively, efficiently, and how do I feel and act in this situation?

After exploring this, it still isn’t useful to set a boundary with other people until you can set and hold boundaries with yourself.

When someone needs to set boundaries, it’s helpful to start with an internal boundary.

Notice how hard this is. But with practice and repetition, you can do it though!

The cool part of doing your own inner boundary work is that when you set a boundary with yourself, the outer issue usually takes care of itself. 

And if that doesn’t happen then, go ahead, and set the boundary lovingly with the other person.

It’s amazing that when we shift inside ourselves and lovingly tell ourselves, “NO MORE!”, everything else seems to fall into place.

Set a boundary for yourself this week, it’s a fun challenge.