Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Releasing Resistance

Resistance to what is and how we feel makes everything worse. 

Acceptance of how you feel without judgment, immediately feels better. 

When we don’t want to feel a certain emotion, but undeniably do, it creates resistance. 

That resistance creates secondary emotions like anxiety and anger. 

In this tension of trying to run away or press down our authentic feelings makes everything worse.

Owning our feelings and allowing them, releases them. 

It gives you the power back to accept how you feel which allows you to move through the feeling and then choosing a different way of looking at your circumstance. 

If you choose not to change your feeling because you want to feel bad about something, like grief when a person dies, that feeling lessens greatly, simply by accepting it.

By not judging the feeling or telling yourself you shouldn’t feel that way.  

The goal of life coaching or any therapy is to accept your reality with gratitude for all of it. 

The good and the bad. 

And in that acceptance, you live life and making decisions or choices that are in your best interest. 

The goal isn’t to live happily ever after with a perfect life because that’s not reality. 

The goal is to let what is, be. knowing that is the journey. 

My favorite thought I’ve been living by is this: