Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Openness To Healing

There is a time and a place for everything in life. 

  • Chakra healing

  • Meditation

  • Prozac, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Zoloft

  • High blood pressure medicine

  • Herbs

  • Homeopathic

  • Essential oils

  • Chiropractors

  • Psychiatrists

When you think about healing in a black and white way it cuts you off from a possible healing modality.

I have learned this the hard way over, and over, and over again.

In the past when I didn't feel comfortable or have experience in a possible healing modality from the list above I didn’t want anything to do with it.

When I was not open or experience in anything alternative or non-conventional it felt scary. I beat the medication drum and took about 30 medications trying to feel better. 

When that didn’t work and I was desperate for help, I finally did all the non-conventional therapies. And guess what? I healed!!!

Then with this last pregnancy and postpartum, I did all the natural things and need medical treatment. I was very suspicious of the medical world and refused it until I was so miserable and then guess what? It worked!

Many people when faced with something they don’t have any knowledge or experience with it's easy to assume it must be bad and dangerous.

The truth is, every modality of healing and health has served me at some point in my life. 

When I judged a healing style that I didn’t understand or have any experience correctly applying, I judged it as voodoo or bad. 

I have also experienced talking to someone who is super pushy with their fabulous experience of a cure, and it felt very off-putting, this almost caused me to write this off forever.

I see people do this to people all the time. 

They don’t know what it is, they don’t have any experience with it and maybe aren’t ready for it. 

So, they judge it and write it off as bad.

The problem is now you are writing something off that may serve you!

This is so tragic because many times when someone's brain finally lets this in, it can change their life forever! 

The example above is how our brain’s stay safe, judging anything new as dangerous. 

What you know is safe and what you don't know is potentially dangerous. 

So, in your familiar and comfortable way of living your life, your brain feels safe. Even if you are suffering!

Be careful that you are not eliminating something from your life by judgments or associating it with people you judge, when you have no experience with it. 

I have seen people say oh, I have tried (fill in the blank). But doing it cynically just to prove it doesn’t work isn’t what I am talking about.

"I think energy healing is crap but I’ll try it! See it didn’t work." Or "I don’t believe in taking pills for your mental health." And then you take one pill and say, "See all these side effects! It doesn’t work and now I have a dry mouth."

Your brain can create side effects and it can block out any healing effects.

That really isn’t trying something.

This is why I am so strongly for mindset work. 

If you have the mindset of being open to healing, you will heal.

If you have the mindset that you are sick and nothing works, nothing will work.

Your brain is very biased and not accurate at all. It simply is a computer that goes to work for whatever you put into it. Consciously or subconsciously.

With mindset work and emotional healing, you find all the hidden inner pieces that are blocking you from joy, abundance, and love. 

When you unearth these and change them, then all the modalities in the world serve you. You find your path easily.

If you find that nothing works and you are always suffering, take a peek into that brain and see what you are thinking.