Quit Shoulding on Yourself
How many times a day do you say to yourself, “I should...”?
These thoughts are very subtle, and you may not notice them. But you will feel it.
It feels like low-grade blah, bleakness, despair, or anger.
These pesky buggers steal your energy. They may wreak havoc in your life if you haven’t questioned them.
They seem to be the wise older parent in your head, but many times the thoughts are so outrageous.
I should be social. But I’d rather be alone.
I should lose weight, but I really don't care.
I should love motherhood.
I should be this way or that.
I should be like so and so.
I should be more fit.
I should be able to eat healthier.
I should love party’s, but I only like 1:1 relationships.
I should have a big goal, but I’m content with the way things are.
Really. Should you?
You may not know what your shoulds are, but they are there.
They are murky and hide, creating disharmony and misery.
If you question these "should's", and begin to change them, you will open a can of “guilt” worms.
Reply if you are stuck.