Health Coaching with Elizabeth

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Food as Fuel

The first time I heard this concept, I was so irritated and angry.



I was at a point in my life that food was my life raft.

In no way was it fuel!

I wanted to view food as fuel, but I had zero skills to be someone who only ate food that served my highest health!

I started my journey doing what most do, looking at what action to take... What diet to go on, and what exercise program to start.

After beating my head against the wall with the typical diet mentality promoted by the health and fitness industry, I decided enough was enough!

No one I knew found any of these diets to work long term, and if they did, they were a unicorn!

After trying and failing on several diets, I decided there has to be a better way. It was simply too hard.

I thought to myself, how can some people never have a weight issue and not struggle with food?

I began to get curious and started to notice who they were being and how they thought about food instead.

People who didn't struggle with food did not speak about food in the slightest way like people with weight issues do.

I found this incredibly peculiar, and I suggest you begin to notice this as well!

How can it be that all the overweight folks are incredibly knowledgeable about food and continue to struggle when skinny people just eat and move on?

HELLO! It's because diet, exercise, and diet mentality are not the solution!

The goal of thinking of food as fuel is to bring your thoughts to neutrality.

When all food is neutral, then it just becomes a math problem.

One plus one equals two. When you eat food specimen A, you get result B, and there is zero drama!

Eating certain foods give you specific results. That is it!

When you reach the brain shift of food being math and managing your brain drama, you're halfway down the path to food freedom!