Emotional Fitness

The class to get really good at feeling all your feelings.


I decided to teach this class because everything we want is on the other side of some hard to feel, yucky emotion. And right now, most have a lot of negative emotions because of the pandemic.

If you get good at honoring and feeling all of the hard feelings all the way through then, all the good stuff is waiting for you. 

You can tap into all the solutions, answers and find the path that is right for you.

When you feeling your angst all the way to the end, you can change your life and achieve emotional resilience.

We have all been faced with constant adversity from figuring new schooling systems, raising babies, our jobs, managing fight or flight, and somewhere in all of this, oh yeah, cooking healthy meals, exercise, yoga, meditation, and sleep.

I have found that every time we hit a wall, we have not been feeling and honoring ALL of our feelings. This creates such a big knot of tension, and everyone in the house begins to feel off. Yes, the whole household feels this. When we take the time to feel and take care of our feelings and what they are telling us, we find that our body will then release them. 

Releasing the negative feeling allows us to move into positive ones, and then begin to solve the negative thoughts causing the swirl of emotions.

As we all go through this year, grief, anger, frustration, overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety have become constant companions.

At first, I was utterly overwhelmed with all of this, but now I feel super content and happy with a steady daily processing practice.

I see that I continually move in and out of the negative and then back to the positive.

What I have found is that how to do this is simple. But what isn’t simple is doing it. So this class is to do it! We will feel and move through each emotion together. 

Fear, grief, anger, frustration, overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety.

Transforming them into trust, faith, courage, determination, compassion, fortitude, and certainty.

Then you can find what serves you. What health means to you.
What helps your family thrive and blossom. You may even begin to stop the excessive candy-crushing, sugar consumption, online shopping, or whatever you keeping finding yourself doing that doesn’t bring a sense of satisfaction. 

In this class, I will teach you how to do what you want to do instead of habitually do. 

I will take you by the hand, and we will practice many different ways of moving into emotion and then all the way through, until it leaves, and you come to a place of peace.

We will do this with meditation, EFT, and movement.

I want to give you the gift of getting comfortable and familiar with all of your feelings and where each one of them lives in your body. (Thoughts live in your head and feelings in your body. I know…I previously didn’t know this either.)

When you begin to get comfortable being with your painful emotions and how they feel, you will learn to let them move through and all the way out of your body. When you can gain the confidence of knowing your emotions won’t take over and last forever, you will feel incredibly empowered. This will help you stop running from them or avoiding external people and events you may blame your emotions on.  

When you can confidently feel all the feels, we will focus on the thoughts and mental patterns causing grief, anger, frustration, overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety.

We will get super familiar and comfortable with your brain patterns and then shift them. Finding new, empowering, and better ways of thinking, feeling, and living.

Each week you will get a lesson to practice, and we will do it together in class.


You will not just learn passively. We will do the work in real-time so that you will know how, not with your head but with your entire being.

You will be able to eat only what you choose because you can confidently feel the emotions driving you to eat. Boredom, overwhelm, out of control, anxiety, restlessness, anger,

You will be able to stop shopping compulsively and live in a world with only what you need, save money if you’d like, OR earn more… Doesn’t that sound exciting?

You will be able to handle the chaos of today’s lifestyle with a plan and a schedule.

You will learn to love your husband for who he is and find joy instead of nitpicking, complaining, and arguing.

Isn’t it interesting that all of this can be done by learning to feel all your dark feelings?


It is a skill that no one is taught, yet we all desperately need it. Especially now.

We will discuss some basic coaching here, but this will mostly be the skills of feeling and then shifting into what you want in your life.

No worries that you will have to bare your soul in front of people. It will be a supportive, collaborative group of women who are just like you.

If you are suffering, get it here.

PS. This is similar to the healing through feeling masterclass, but it will be only about feelings and not about the Enneagram. We will practice feeling and processing in each class rather than just learning about our emotional patterns. So re-take this if you want or need more practice.

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What you will get

  • 6 live taught classes. Tuesday, January 5-Tuesday, February 9th at 2 pm EST. (Based on who signs up we will change the time to fit with everyone’s schedule.)

  • Lifetime access to all call recordings.

  • Bonus #1 Feeling your feelings meditation.

  • Bonus #2 The First 5 to sign up get 1 free coaching session.

    The concepts covered in class:

    1. How to get in touch with your body.

    2. How to get familiar with a feeling, feel it, and let it move all the way through.

    3. Naming and learning how each emotion feels in your body.

    4. Learning how to transform fear, grief, anger, frustration, overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety into trust, faith, courage, determination, compassion, fortitude, and certainty.

    5. Releasing old thought and emotion patterns.

    6. Modality 1: Meditation

    7. Modality 2: Tapping

    8. Modality 3: Movement to release feelings.

    9. Learning how foods can make your feelings work harder.

    10. Handling your feelings with a plan and a schedule.

All of this for only $297!