What do I eat?

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What most people think of first when they decide to lose weight, get healthy, or eliminate food sensitivities is, "What diet should I go on"?

You start to research online, buy a book, join weight watchers, or check a magazine to see what the latest article says on, "How to lose 30 lbs in one week".

Many food plans have excellent information. Many diseases and illness can be eliminated with lifestyle and diet changes, but the problem is not knowing what foods to eat.

There is just one teeny, tiny missing piece.


Most diets only talk about what action to take.

What I want to show you is that when you change how you think and how you manage your emotional state you will intuitively know what to eat!

There is nothing wrong with reading, researching and testing diets, but you must determine how the food feels in your body!


So when you ask me what should you eat, I say, it doesn't matter what I think!

What do you think?

What do you want to eat?

What food feels good in your body after you eat it?

Have you ever asked yourself what you want to eat?

I want you to try on the idea that you are an adult who can eat anything in the world.


In fact, you can keep eating exactly the way you are eating right now! I would only ask if you would kindly just skip the part of beating yourself up!

There is no one diet that fits all. There are many universal rules that apply to most people, but many people can break those rules and feel amazing. Go figure!

So, when you are on your journey of attempting to feel better, lose weight, and heal your body, you must first support your mental and emotional well-being.

Only then you can begin to test different diets or ways of eating.

When you first dip your toe in the waters of food freedom, it will feel scary.

The first thing I tell every client is to stop dieting.


You must go straight to where the food problems start. 

Where does the problem start? In your head!

The very first question I will ask is, how are you doing mentally and emotionally?

When you can get to a better mental space and begin to clean up your emotional well-being, then you and only you, will create a food plan that bests supports your body.


In the beginning, when the best thing you can do is eat the cake because you don't have the tools to cope with your emotions, I say that's a good thing!

Eat it! Enjoy it! Set the table with the fine linens and china and enjoy it!

Permit yourself to enjoy the cake, because it's not like beating yourself up stops you from eating!

You might as well go all in if you are going to eat the cake anyway!

As you evolve into your future self, who supports yourself no matter what, you will put down the cake because it doesn't fix what's wrong. It's just a temporary band-aid.

But let me ask you this? Is there a time and place for band-aids?


Not one diet out there will tell you this.

I want you to think about how long you have been struggling with food. If you are like me, it was for years and years.

Imagine if throughout the same number of years you tweaked your "diet" little by little every week or even a month? What if you made one small permanent change and then stuck with that bit of change forever?

Can you imagine how different your life would look now?

When you are on the diet hampster wheel of a new diet, you overhaul everything, fail, feel like a loser and then you are beating your head against the wall!


Have you ever stopped to think about, why are you eating against your own will in the first place?

Go inward and you will find the answers!

This is really the only way to change your life forever!

Stop with the quick fixes that are only temporary!

Instead of continuing to try the latest fad diet for the next 5 years and gain and lose the same weight, make small, doable, non-fall off the wagon changes and impress yourself!

The long route of change is not what most want to hear.

If you are like most people, you want a quick, instant fix.

The desire to escape pain and seek pleasure is how the brain is wired. This is why you want an instant fix.

Food freedom is the opposite of what your brain naturally wants to do. You have to be willing to feel all your emotions and skip the pleasure of food.

How enticing does that sound?

The good news is that your brain can be rewired; all it takes is time and repetition.

When you start with small baby steps, it is entirely doable!

I never encourage overhauling your life. Slow permanent, compassionate, and supportive changes are what completely transform your life.

If your are ready to transform, sign up for your free session today! It’s scary I know! This will be the best thing you’ve done for yourself! I promise!

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