Hunk of Metal

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There is this hunk of metal that usually lives on your bathroom floor. It has wires and sensors. It displays a number that reflects.........

A digital number.

That's it!

Everything else about that number on the scale is a reflection of all your crappy thoughts or all of your supportive thoughts.

Weight, or the number on the scale, means absolutely nothing. What you make it mean, dictates how you feel about it. You may feel extremely thin and healthy, regardless of the number. 


I can distinctly remember very thin and healthy at 190 pounds! I had just lost about 30 pounds and I could move better. I felt so fit and fabulous. I had my husband take all these family pictures of us when we went on a vacation. I felt really confident about having my picture taken. Now, this may seem like a very high or low number based on your thoughts about what this number means to you. 


I want you to notice that it's just a number. How you think about that number determines if it is good or bad.  

That emotion of how thin I felt at 190 pounds has never really come back. I was thinking very supportive thoughts at that time. 

Now I weigh far less and I actually never really think about my weight or even step on the scale. This proves the point that the number on the hunk of metal doesn't matter. Unless you decide that what you weigh means you are fat or thin or whether you are on track or off track. It only means what you want it to mean. 

It means zilch.

It is a hunk of metal with a number displayed.

What do you want to make it mean?

A fantastic exercise is to step on the scale and then write down all the thoughts that come up.  

Do this in the bathroom.

When you have written them all down, really look at them and ask yourself the following questions.

  1. By thinking these thoughts, are they bringing me closer to my authentic, healthy self?

  2. Are they creating the results I want for myself?

  3. If you are thinking that you are fat and are going straight into self-loathing, does this type of thinking create a result of optimal health?


It is creating the exact opposite.

So stop it!

When you loathe yourself or think you are a failure, I can guarantee you will feel awful. When you feel terrible, you need a cookie to soothe yourself! Or, maybe you use that negative emotion to go on another diet.

"I'm going to whip myself into shape!"  

However, that will never last because you can only whip yourself for so long.  You will eventually get tired of the whipping and need a cookie!

I want to show you another way...

You start cleaning up your thinking.
You start to only do things for yourself from a place of self-care.
You only make changes in your life that make sense and that you can do for the rest of your life.
You heal the relationship with yourself.
You decide that the energy you put into food drama needs to go to a higher purpose.

Are you ready to make that decision?

elizabeth wheelis