Sleep and Your Health
One fundamental layer in life is your quality of sleep, which supports your well-being. Sleep is imperative to your health and to your natural weight achievement. Neglecting this area of your life has such a negative impact on your life. Sometimes our sleep schedule can be out of our control due to physiological issues, but remember we can control most of the aspects of good sleep habits.
Not sleeping well can be a chronic issue! Not getting the sleep you need can cause many adverse effects in your life. The worse effect is the feeling of not being in control of your self-care. This is the exact reason why you MUST develop good sleep habits.
At one time, I had insomnia for two weeks.
Yes, this fun little part of life shows up every now and again!
Not sleeping well has been such an eye-opener because my emotions, the foods I crave, and my overall bodily functions are far different than normal. Good sleep habits seem easy to do and not a big deal, but they are not. Most people at some point in life have had an issue, or someday will, with sleep in some way, shape, or form.
These problems could be:
I don't have enough time to sleep.
I can't sleep because of my to-do list.
I have to work at 5 am so I can't get enough sleep
I can't fall asleep at night because my mind won't turn off.
Lastly, I often hear people complain of sleeping too much
Let's look at all the areas that lack of sleep affects:
1. Your Emotions
Your emotions are the most affected aspect of not sleeping well. Your ability to feel and process emotions digresses to a 2-year-old.
When annoying problems that inevitably crop up throughout the day, we go ballistic, instead of just recognizing it's a minor issue we can handle.
The small little things our kids do have us wanting to scream! When in all honesty, our highest self really just wants to love these darling kids.
Not rant and rave!
When things go wrong at work, we are so irritated! We handle upsets against our will.
Then, after we have completely flipped out, the shame and guilt follow...
Now our time is spent mending the error of our ways and asking forgiveness for acting like a raving lunatic.
2. Your Appetite
Your appetite and weight are the next things to malfunction. When much-needed rest is missing, your body starts to look for extra energy elsewhere.
Hello! increased appetite!
Your body needs more energy to function when you are tired. The energy your body craves is fast and instant. These cravings are not for leafy greens, but rather for sugar, flour, and caffeine.
When your sleep habits are healthy, your body craves healthy food. You may not know this unless you have eliminated unhealthy eating habits from your life.
Just trust me on this one.
When I haven't gotten the sleep my body needs, I turned back into a "craving" junky. I am starving and eat every single sugar/floury thing at my house.
Not getting the sleep I require reminds me again, every time I am short on sleep, I want to eat every sugary, tasty thing in my house.
When my sleep habits return to their natural state, the cravings disappear.
3. Energy
Energy is sapped when you don't have sleep. Your motivation to get stuff done wanes. The dreaded "I don't feel like it" thoughts are a constant hum in the background.
It sometimes feels like you are wading in quicksand.
And you are!
Your body is exhausted!
4. Your Relationships
Your ability to show up as the best mother, wife, daughter, and sister has gone down the gutter.
The tendency to take offense and treat people like garbage is much higher!
It's almost like you are looking for a fight!
Please, go take a nap!!!
5. Immunity
This is a no-brainer, but one worth mentioning. When we don't get enough sleep, our immune system does not work at full capacity.
The tendency to get sick and run down increases dramatically.
6. Your Productivity
Welcome to the world of zero focus and brain fog!
You are putting the milk in the pantry and can't remember anyone's name.
While working, you forget the most important documents for the meeting! As soon as you get home, the kids ask you a question and you answer something off the wall.
Your functioning and ability to complete tasks are at its worst. The level of effectiveness and the ability to get stuff done is laughable!
Let's talk about what a healthy sleep schedule looks like for you.
I have no idea what you "should" be sleeping every night. You can find study after study telling you how many hours of sleep you should get. I want you to find your sweet spot a different way.
You decide your sleep schedule and then see how you feel.
Only YOU will know if 9, 8, 7, or 6 hours is best for you. You may need 10! The only way to know is first figuring out what you are currently sleeping and then adjusting it little by little. Make one increase or decrease every two weeks. Journal every day about the list we just went through above. After setting a sleep schedule, you will quickly find out where you are struggling.
Is it not having enough time?
Is it trouble falling asleep?
Once you have targeted what is blocking you from sleeping now, then can start to solve for it.
Ask yourself, what do I need to do to achieve the desired sleep schedule?
Answer this now.
Don't let your brain say I don't know.
You always have a choice!
Do you need to change your work schedule?
Do you need to learn how to relax to fall asleep?
Is it your thoughts that keep you awake?
Do you need to look at physical issues?
All of the answers lie within you!
I promise!