Breaking up with your story

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When you keep repeating the story you have in your head, you keep creating the health and weight results in your life.

Ending the story takes consciousness and awareness first. Then it takes practicing becoming the woman you want to be.

Ending the story will bring up so much fear and negative emotion within you.

Your brain will tell you to stop it! It'll say it's dangerous to become someone new!

I'm impressed with the creative thoughts your brain will come up to try to keep you safe, and staying the same.

Remember, your brain thinks that staying the same is safer than all the health issues you have from your bad eating habits. Your brain is already used to the current you, and it wants everything to remain the same to avoid any potential threats.

So when you practice thoughts about being someone who doesn't care about food or struggle with your emotions, your brain will resist ferociously.

Know that this will happen, and don't forget to be entertained with the ridiculousness of them all!

I will run my thoughts past my husband when my brain is resistant to change, and he is always like, "You're kidding!? Don't quit your day job!".

But I have to say the brain's creativity is impressive.

Remember, though, don't believe everything you think!

Most of it is crap and thoughts that you would never intentionally choose.

You will likely uncover thoughts about becoming healthy that say you will be selfish, or if you change, no one will like you. You are going to lose all your friends and your family will stop speaking to you. They will throw you out of the community and the anti-health people will stone you to death and on and on.

Be amused!

Then on purpose, look at all of these thoughts. Are they even close to reality? If they are, I'd be concerned about who you are surrounding yourself with, but most of them are stories in your head that when they see the light of day on paper, they are just plain silly.

I'll never forget how when I began a rigorous food sensitivity diet, I talked to many friends and made them promise they would still love me and be my friend.

They were all amused, and guess what?

They still love me, and I didn't get disowned by my family!

What I didn't know when I decided to break up with my story of suffering was that I would gain all this energy to love my family and friends. I began to have so much compassion for my silly story that I now understand we all have one. That makes me want to hug everyone.

I want to wrap my arms around you and punch the lights out of your story that is causing you so much suffering!

Because it's such a lie! And it's optional!

Do me a favor and be courageous enough to dig that story up that is causing you to overeat, keeping you stuck.

Keep unraveling it, proving to yourself that it is a painful lie!!

You will keep moving forward toward health, but the immediate benefits of increased awareness and love are better than the skinny and healthy part that will follow!!!

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