How to be with the pain.
I often have often talked about leaning into emotional pain to release it.
When we move into our bodies and feel, this is incredibly healing.
This can be done quite a few different ways, but I won't go into that right now.
There is a caveat though. I’ll explain this now.
We many different types of emotions. There are productive ones, and “never-ending-pain” unproductive ones.
When you feel emotions and they won't leave, be with them. First, get a journal and find what you are feeling.
Is your brain throwing a tantrum?
Do you feel entitled to an easier life?
Are you saying mean things to yourself?
Are you frustrated that you can't find a solution or feel better now!?
The feelings of entitlement, blame, shame, or impatience are not the feeling to sit with.
Acknowledge them for sure, but these are childish emotions that need to be shifted with new thoughts.
Life isn't fair, easier, fast, quick, and painless. You are also imperfect, so stop shaming yourself. If your feelings are in conflict with this truth, you are beating your head against the wall.
Please stop doing that.
Go deeper, into what you are really feeling.
The feelings I want you to get good and comfortable with are: grief, fear, courage, disappointment, patience, loss, rejection, grit, hurt, ache, and discipline.
When you can be comfortable with these feelings, then your life will open up.
You will find it's easier to love and create your heart's desire.
Your relationships will be richer and deeper.
You will be more abundant and compassionate.
You will reach your goals and find more joy in the little things.
The greater the heart, the greater the hurt.
I truly believe that when people love more, they hurt more.
If you can stay open to whatever life has to offer, and not shut down with self-inflicted pain, you can use this pain as fuel to create the life you want, and love others more deeply.