Sneaky Thoughts
The reason you continue to derail off your food plan isn't because of some big hairy lurking reason.
It's an accumulation of sneaky thoughts that derail you every day.
I don't feel like it.
It's too hard.
I deserve a treat.
It's a holiday.
It's a special occasion, and I won't be able to have it again.
It sounds amazing.
One little bite or snack won't hurt.
Everyone else is eating.
Why do I have to be the person who can't eat crap and be effortlessly thin?
These thoughts are very sneaky and fly under the radar.
An easy way of bringing them into your conscious awareness is by pausing before you dive in and eat, when you have a craving, urge, or desire for food.
Do NOT eat the food until you find the thought or thoughts driving the desire to eat.
Every time you feel an urge or craving, repeat the exercise of finding the thought that is causing it, and build a list of all those thoughts!
The cluster of these thoughts is what is causing your food problem.
Nothing else!
If you create a food plan that works to sustain your highest health and stop using all of those sneaky thoughts for a reason to eat, and you will be successful!
The way and process to stop thinking all of those sneaky thoughts is what I take you through in my program.
It's a delicate balance of feeling emotions without eating, along with ultimately changing the way you think forever.
Many times you can see the thought and emotion for what it is, but often when you don’t know, you need to learn how to let it pass without resisting, reacting, or avoiding (eating) it.
Once it has passed, you can now go back and start the work of changing the way you habitually think.