Ride the Waves!
Thoughts are electrical impulses that fire in different patterns throughout the day and night.
Thoughts create the emotions we feel.
Emotions are fluid; they are always moving and changing.
The way our mind and emotional body were created is magnificent!
But wait a second...
What about the rise of anxiety, depression, and all of the other physiological diseases that keep rising and rising?
What about the crisis of mental illness?
When the beautiful pattern and flow of our mind and body get interrupted, the diseases that happen are endless!
The question that needs to be asked now is: how do I get my mind and body back to that state of a natural flow?
The natural emotional flow we all want to come back to is what I call, riding the wave.
It's a fantastic tool of acceptance, neutrality, peace, and flow for all emotions that humans have.
And I mean all of them, all of the crappy ones and all of the wonderful ones.
There is no scuffle or fight when the crappy feelings come, and no desperate clinging to the positive emotions, hoping they won't leave.
You're just riding the wave.
It's peaceful on top as you bounce, float, and sway.
As a human, all emotions are normal, acceptable, and needed.
There is a vast misconception that if you feel negative emotions, then you must have a chemical imbalance.
When you stop judging negative emotions so harshly and think of them as a natural part of life, you stop the tangle and fight with them.
By tangling and fighting with them, you are keeping them around.
When you do this now, you have stopped riding the wave of emotion and are drowning in the negativity. The more you fight, the stronger the feeling gets.
The stronger the emotion gets, the more you think there is something wrong with you.
Relax, let the emotion be there and ride the wave.
When you relax into the feeling, then it merely passes by.