Have you ever had a problem in your life that felt like an overwhelmingly big deal? One that felt incredibly overwhelming and full of struggle, only to find yourself with an even bigger problem that made your original problem seem easy?
With the smaller problem, you find yourself so overwhelmed with struggle, and you stew and cry and moan. But as soon as you find out you have cancer or someone dies; suddenly it's not a big deal, and you promptly move on!
What happened?
You shifted your perspective to bigger things!
Seeing a problem from a different lens and understanding your problem from another point of view can alter your brain patterns forever.
A straightforward way of giving your brain instant perspective is acquiring a bigger problem.
Many times this is what it takes to see that something you thought was a huge deal isn't really that big of a deal!
I once heard a thought leader say that if you're struggling and stuck in a spin; you need a bigger problem!
I thought this was a phenomenal idea!
Think about this...
What do you need when you're stuck in a spin of self-hatred, depression, or anxiety? Is false pleasure(food, shopping, social media, etc.) the solution? No, my friend, PERSPECTIVE is what you need.
A bigger problem has a beautiful way of handing you perspective on a platter!
I understand, most of us don't want to acquire significant problems; even if we know that we do need a new point of focus!
So... Are we out of luck? Do we have to continue in our struggle until the universe sends us our next big problem? Where else can we find a shift in perspective? Thankfully, we do not have to wait! We can have drastic changes in perspective from coaching!
I have found that we will always feel the nudge inside of us to continue to grow. If we ignore this quiet nudging problems tend to show up. For as long as we're living we must develop, grow, and move forward.
We were made to grow and evolve. So when we aren't because we're terrified, the "problems" arrive. Growing means following your inner desires and ending the spin of indulging in false pleasure.
Inner desires are simply our dreams. Now, most of us aren't brave enough to admit them.
If you constantly push your dreams to the back burner because of the fear they invoke, problems appear!
The way I coach all of my clients is first focusing on breaking-up with these dream inhibiting problems.
Then once you've mastered this, we get to work on your innermost desires!
I've designed my program to help you create a life that is more interesting than "problems." I guide you to live your true dreams; even the ones you are afraid of admitting! Creating a life with future, purpose, and joy is vital to overcoming dealing with food obsession and emotional struggles.
I promise you, it works!
Now, right now, your significant problem is to overcome your fear and sign up!
Even one coaching session can make a massive shift in our perspective. Imagine how much better your mindset could be in 6 months!
What are you waiting for?