Voodoo Energy Healing


I feel called to write about energy healing or cranial sacral, Reiki, breathwork, trapped emotion release, or bodywork.


All of these modalities are tapping into our energy. 


What is energy? Simply put, an emotional charge.


When we feel something it creates an emotional charge. Ideally you’d feel a feeling, listen to it, attend to it, and then move on. But here is a more likely scenario:  you have an emotion you don’t know how to process. So instead, you stuff it, eat it, avoid it, busy away from it, or pretend all is happy and well.


When the truth is, you feel how you feel.  Even if you lie to yourself, you can’t lie to your body.


Let’s say something really hard happens to you. You feel how you feel but with a layer of thoughts like:


"I shouldn’t feel so bad."

"I am too old even to feel this way."

Maybe you tell yourself you are too sensitive and emotional, and no one else feels things like this. Or you blame it on needing more medication, hormones, or some other thought.


When the truth is, how you feel is ok.


Even if your excuse or thought that you shouldn’t feel this way is valid, it doesn’t matter, you are hurting.


We usually call a sister, mom, or friend, and she might agree, yes, you are too old, and you should get over it. 


This scenario actually is my experience, and so many other women. Some have have severe mental or physical pain that has never been medically untreatable and eventually turned to an alternative healing modality finding great relief.


All an “Energy Worker” is doing, is facilitating the release of what you’ve stored at some point in your life.


That’s it—no voodoo or anything weird.


Now I don’t practice any energy healing, but what I do shows you how to feel and release all your feelings, then you can do the rest.


I am teaching an emotional fitness class showing you exactly how to feel what you feel and let it go instead of holding onto it. Then you can release all your past emotions, or supplement the help you are already getting. 


This is the basis of what I do in my coaching practice. I believe mastering our emotions is the single most important skill to have.


Are you ready to shift into peace and gratitude for all of life’s offerings? The hard stuff and the good stuff? Click here to learn more.

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