Emotional Resiliency

Have you ever wondered why you say things like:

Emotion Phobia (2).png

All of these thoughts are based on thinking we are inept at feeling our feelings. 


If you think you can’t reach your goals or make excuses for not doing what you need to do, it is always because of one thing.


You aren't emotionally fit. You don't have emotional resilience.


This is not being happy all the time.


This is not stuffing your feelings and blowing past the truth of how you feel.


This is not when you think having no feelings is being strong and judging those who feel openly as weak.


It is being able to feel all your feelings and still reach your goals. 


It is when you're able to sit with any emotion and still do what you need or want to do.


This looks like walking into fear, confusion, doubt, out-of-control, insecurity, terror, and unworthy. And still taking action towards what you need to do.


Here is what this looks like. 


You are homeschooling, and everything feels upside down. You have no control, and you cannot seem to possibly manage one more thing on top of several kids and their schedules. 


You meltdown, yell at everyone, and then eat the 7-day old cheese-cake in the fridge. 


After eating (or your choice of buffer), you hide out in your room, trying to distract yourself on your phone.


When you catch yourself, you realize, oh, I am avoiding my feelings.


When you realize this, you pause to ask yourself, "What am I feeling?". Then drag your journal out and begin to write all of your thoughts and all your feelings.


Then honor how you feel and sit with each one of these emotions.


Staying in them as long as you need, and when they pass you coaching yourself into what you will lift you. (Prayer, help, clarity, a plan, patience, fortitude, a scheduled nap, a workout, or a healthy meal plan.)


Now that you have a plan, you begin to execute after you have honored how you feel.


In each future moment, you will be tempted to dive into the food, the phone, or into yelling when the going gets rough.


But you will remember that you can pause, honor each feeling, and then choose to help each child, set your limits, do your best, and still eat your healthy lunch.


You will practice your new thoughts and habits to get you to a successful virtual schooling home life instead of chaos.


Now do this day after day until you reach your goal of how you want your days to go.


Does this sound easy? If so, off you go!


If not, join my Emotional Fitness class to get here.

If you want emotional resiliency, this is the class for you.

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