Emotion Phobia

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Emotion phobia is a concept I have been thinking about lately. 

Most people are so afraid of feeling all their feelings. They judge themselves and others on their level of “health” based on how they feel. 

How often do you tell yourself:

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When the truth is, everyone is ashamed of putting their truth out there, and many are afraid of facing their own truth.

We hide from ourselves, and the world around us encourages this hiding.

Be happy! It’s all good! I am doing fine!

So when we have feelings that aren’t positive, we hide, deny, or eat.

Feeling like we are the only ones who struggle in this way or that way. 

When really everyone has their own pattern of emotional baggage. 


But it really isn’t emotional baggage. It’s just life.

It’s just the way of being human.

What if we all looked at suffering as normal?

We could then stop all the other shenanigans we do to get away from the pain that we shouldn't avoid anyway. 

We could lose the second layer of judgment, shame, and eating.

I encourage you to embrace legitimate suffering (we can’t avoid it anyway) and stop the second layer of unnecessary suffering. Judging ourselves, wishing we were different, lying to ourselves, pretending, shoving it down, and avoiding it with food, phones, busyness, overworking, etc.

We need to feel how we feel and end the shame for how we feel.

This isn’t wallowing; it’s embracing the whole self. It’s letting all of our emotions be a part of our life and not tucking the negative part in the closet.

Take that negative out and hug it, and let that part of you speak. 

When we do this, our whole self emerges, heals, and creates a rich, full, and beautiful life.

The mindset of embracing all emotions is healing.

Acknowledging how you feel while still doing your best is doing your work.

If you find this difficult or impossible, Emotional Fitness is open for enrollment.

Send this to your husband to let him know this is the perfect gift for you!

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