An Easier Way
Let go of the mindset that reaching your ideal weight needs to be with will-power and force.
Most of us go headlong into losing weight grinding our teeth, armed with steel stamina and will-power.
We suffer through all of the hard, healthy eating and exercise, holding our breath.
I want to offer you a different way of losing weight permanently.
You don't want to head into weight loss with the idea that when you reach skinny you will feel better. You want only to pursue that goal of becoming a fuller, happier, more content version of yourself.
This may sound like Chinese... but it's not.
In fact, its the only way to permanent change.
How many things have you achieved in your life that you now spend zero time being thankful for? You are already on to the next bigger and better idea.
This is human nature and not a bad thing. It's an internal mechanism inside of all of us and we will always want to grow.
But this way is a pretty miserable ride when you force your way to the goal without doing the internal work to become the person who achieves the goal effortlessly.
I want to show you a better way of growth that is fun because come on...
Life is about having fun and enjoying each day!
A better way to change is finding joy, gratitude, comic relief, and pleasure in your journey.
It's losing the mindset that it has to be hard, tedious, and painful.
Rewiring your brain and then and only then losing weight forever is the easy way.
Then when you hit the inevitable challenging moments life always has to offer, you are tooled and skilled to get through them without returning to your old patterns.
I want you to realize that by being in those challenging growth moments, and choosing new ways to think and react, you are paving the way for exhilarating success.
As you practice this you will eventually realize that those horrifying growth moments are not to be resisted and dreaded, they are the paving stones to a new and permanent you.
You learn that those moments of pain, discomfort, and fear are worth it as you experience the bursts of explosive growth on the other side.
Finding peace, contentment, self-love, and self-care in every moment of your journey is where it's at.