Mental Floss Moving into the Pain
I just finished up the Healing Through Feeling Masterclass and we talked a lot about the different ways people suffer.
The constant companions of how each person finds life to be painful.
Each person's pain points are consistent with Enneagram knowledge and those wounds are both our greatest gift and our greatest curse.
As I coach each Enneagram type through the different ways of suffering, I can see that each way of suffering sucks. The painful patterns are different but equally painful.
I have found this thought to be incredibly soothing.
It’s easy to look at others and think they have it way easier than you do. But they don’t.
They have it just as hard but in an entirely different way.
When you know how you create suffering and you become intimate with it, then you can move into it.
This is high-level work and takes a while to get here.
First, you begin with awareness, then knowledge, then practice, and then wisdom comes.
You begin to become comfortable with the way you feel pain in the world.
You begin to make peace with the constant bag of negativity you carry, moving into the emotion, and then, you reach a feeling of peace.
You begin again.
This is one aspect of life that is never-ending and you are no one special that you do this circle over and over again.
Managing your personality is something everyone has to do.
If you feel like you got the short end of the stick, don’t worry. We all feel that way.
Keep doing your work.