Thought Work

Month 3


Welcome to the best part of your journey.

I always say it’s never about the food, and I mean it!

It is about your thoughts and emotions.

This month we take a deep dive into what you are thinking and feeling. When you find them you may ask, “Well, now what?”

The answer is to now you change those thought and emotion patterns into what you want, which will make you feel better!

This whole month we will re-wire your brain, which will change the way you think forever!


Let's get started!

This month we will cover:

  • How to Change Your Thoughts

  • Release Self-Loathing

  • Learn to Laugh at Yourself

  • Visualization

  • What is Mental Health?

  • BONUS Thought Work Information & How to Releasing Emotions




Blog post:


Self-Loathing for a Perfectly Working Brain


How to Change Your Thoughts









Blog Post:


Don’t Take Everything so Seriously Just Laugh!


What is Mental Health?


Feel all your feelings confidently!

Many people ask me how to feel and release their feelings. Feeling our emotions is not something that is taught in society. I have created a meditation for you to use to learn how to feel your emotions in your body and when you need to process an emotion. Use this meditation as often as you need to master the skill of feeling.